Revision of the Part-time Work Programme as an Early Retirement Measure (PTP)

After several months of discussion within the Working Group responsible for proposing voluntary measures and follow-up at the Standing Concertation Committee (SCC), the new version of the Part-time Work Programme as an Early Retirement Measure (PTP)1 was approved by the SCC on 4 April 2024.
This new version of the programme includes better remuneration for the period of the programme, as well as the possibility in exceptional and duly justified cases of asking to withdraw from the programme (for example in the event of long-term illness). The Staff Association (SA) presents the details below.
Why a revision of the PTP now?
During 2022, the Management announced that the economic consequences of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the volatility of the post-Covid markets and the increase in electricity and material costs were having a significant impact on the budget of CERN, leading to a deterioration of the cumulative budget deficit (CBD). To overcome this situation, the Director General asked the Staff Association to work with the Management to identify potential savings on the personnel budget.
The Staff Association responded with a package of measures which, whilst fully respecting key procedures that protect Staff employment conditions (such as Annex A1 concerning the annual inflation-related salary adjustment), could lead to savings without impacting career advancement or requiring a reduction in staff numbers. This package was supported by 71.2% of the personnel in a referendum.
The proposed measures included a crisis levy on staff members' salaries in 2023 (compensated by leave) and the internal taxation of pensions, as well as the study and encouragement of voluntary early retirement measures. This latter proposal was in response to the expectations of some of our colleagues who would like to consider early retirement from the age of 55.
The Director General agreed and presented a package of measures to TREF, for recommendation to the Finance Committee and approval by the Council, including the crisis levy and consideration of voluntary early retirement. The proposals were accepted by the Council in December 2022.
A Working Group made up of representatives of the Human Resources Department, the Pension Fund, the Management and the SA was set up and worked out the principles of the new version of the PTP2. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in the Working Group for their commitment.
The PTP: what progress has been achieved? A solution for you?
The programme has multiple benefits:
- For the Organization, it allows hiring personnel early in their career, to replace members of personnel who have participated in the PTP programme, thus saving on the personnel budget.
- For the Management, it enables them to plan the transfer of knowledge and organise the succession of members of personnel who are part of the programme, guaranteeing the continuity of the Organization's operations.
- For the member of personnel, it provides an opportunity to leave before the compulsory retirement age, by agreeing to reduce their remuneration in order to purchase additional leave which will be accumulated and taken only at the end of the programme (not counting six weeks' leave per year), bringing forward their last day of work.
Enrolment in this programme is on a strictly voluntary basis and must be compatible with the needs of the service and the interests of the Organization. Once accepted, it is irrevocable, except in exceptional and justified cases. Members of personnel in such situations will have to submit a justified request in writing to modify or cancel their participation, for decision by the Director General.
To be eligible for the programme, you must comply with all the following conditions at the start of the programme:
- Have an Indefinite contract (IC);
- Be 55 years of age (although you can apply before) and;
- have a full-time contract (40 hours per week).
For members of personnel with a part-time contract, the opportunity is not closed, but the conditions must be studied by the Human Resources department, who can propose a solution if applicable.
Members of personnel wishing to participate in the programme should submit their application to the Service Remuneration, Benefits and Services from the Human Resources Department.
In the event of a negative response from the Organization to a request from a member of personnel to join the PTP, a justification for the refusal must be provided within sixty calendar days following the reception of the request. The decision can be contested. Not receiving a response to the request within sixty days, is deemed to be an implied rejection and therefore can also be contested3.
In such circumstances, any member of personnel can contact the Staff Association [] for advice or assistance.
What are the changes to the programme conditions?
Below is the comparison of the conditions of the programme before and after 1 April 2024:
Although these new arrangements have been approved at the SCC, the Staff Association continues to request that the conditions relating to early retirement measures (PRP, PTP and SLS) be consolidated in an Administrative Circular, in order to formally be part of the legislative corpus of the Organization.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Human Resources department if you need personalised advice. The Staff Association is also available to answer your questions and offer advice.
1 You can find the document approved by the Standing Concertation Committee here.
2 The Working Group's mandate is broader than just reviewing the PTP programme, as it aims to propose options to allow voluntary members of the personnel to leave the Organization before the retirement age.
3 See Chapter VI of the Staff Rules and Regulations (Articles S VI 1.03 and R VI 1.02) here.