The Director General gave an arbitration in favor of the staff members

The Staff Association would like to thank a thousand times, the people who responded to the call of Thursday, November 10 for your presence at the public meeting, we were more than 700 people.
Also thank you for your commitment, for your trust and for your support.
On November 10 at 10:00 a.m., the Director General (DG) convened the different parties, the Management and the Staff Association (SA), to hear the positions and arguments of each.
The Director General gave an oral arbitration in favor of the staff members. This allowed a consensus to be reached on the Management’s proposals, which will be presented at the TREF Tripartite Forum on 21 November 2022.
The decision of the DG delivered in writing the same day is :
- To deduct a crisis levy of 2.5% for the year 2023, compensated by 5 days during the extension of the annual closure of the Organization in 2023, starting on December 18, 2023.
- The Management and the Staff Association shall explore together, measures for voluntary departure.
The Management commits to:
- Study the proposals made by the staff (SA survey) on possible savings;
- Request that full indexation be maintained for 2023.
The arbitration of the Executive Director is fully supported by the Staff Association.
The final decision will be taken by the CERN Council on December 15 after discussion at the TREF and on the recommendation of the Finance Committee on December 14.
We invite all staff members to stay informed through their delegates of the progress of the decision process, but also to stay mobilized!