An Expanded Saved Leave Scheme (SLS)

CERN's Saved Leave Scheme (SLS) is a unique Programme designed to meet the aspirations of Staff seeking a better work-life balance, by offering them the opportunity to buy additional leave.
Why a revision of the SLS now?
As explained in the ECHO article concerning the Part-Time Work Programme (PTP) as pre-retirement measure, due to the Organization’s budgetary situation in 2022, the Staff Association proposed a set of measures, as requested by the Director General, that could lead to savings without impacting career advancement or requiring a reduction in staff numbers.
One of the proposed measures involved studying mechanisms to encourage voluntary early retirement. This proposal was made in response to the desires of some of our colleagues who are interested in considering early retirement from age 55. As a result, a Working Group on early voluntary retirement measures was established.
The Working Group delivered its recommendation to the Standing Concertation Committee (SCC) on October 19, 2023. Within the proposals, the Staff Association proposed enhancements to the SLS program, in addition to the PTP adjustments.
The committee approved the possibility for Staff with indefinite contracts to purchase up to 8 slices of saved leave, which is a yearly total equivalent of 44 days. As a result, the maximum number of days that can be accumulated in the LT-SLS is now 660.
Here below you can find a diagram of the CERN Saved Leave Scheme including the new features:
What proposals have the Staff Association put forward and the results achieved?
After the outcome of the SCC on the 19th of October 2023 to expand the saved leave to 8 slices, the document detailing the Saved Leave Scheme underwent a review. In this context, the Staff Association has promoted various ideas to improve the scheme.
During discussions at SCC on June 25, 2024, the Staff Association proposed several ideas to enhance the scheme and reached a concertation with the Management on the following changes:
- Long-term saved leave can now be utilized for professional development, care of a close relative, or during the period immediately preceding the termination of the employment contract.
- Staff who purchase saved leave days are eligible for financial compensation under the additional circumstances of death, total disability, maternity leave, mandatory reasons of service duly justified in writing by the Head of the department, dismissal, and departure by mutual agreement.
- A correction factor (-0.8 %) previously applied annually to long-term saved leave will no longer be enforced once the individual reaches their last day of work.
- All current and future schemes will be treated equally.
- The maximum number of leave days that can be accumulated in the Long-Term-Saved Leave (LT-SLS) is 660. Any additional days will be forfeited. Participants will be notified when they have accumulated 600 days in the LT-SLS so that they can choose to cancel or modify their subscription before reaching the limit of 660 days. However, they can still choose to participate in the short-term SLS (ST-SLS).
- The Staff Association requests that the document be included in AC 21, which already references the SLS. This should be taken into account during the review after one year of implementation.
The Staff Association is disappointed that the correction factor has been maintained for Staff without career progression prospects and is concerned about the pricing of additional slices. Overall, they do not oppose the new SLS conditions as improvements have been made through the concertation process.
However, if you believe that being able to take more than 4 SLS slices is beneficial but find the reduction coefficient (-0.8 %) and increased prices for slices 5 to 8 excessive (3.5 % instead of 2.5 % of basic salary), please inform HR Department and share your thoughts with us. Your feedback will be crucial as we review these arrangements.
More detailed information will be sent by the HR Department corresponding to each situation. Please do not hesitate to contact the Human Resources Department if you need personalised advice.
The Staff Association is also available to address your questions and provide guidance. We will monitor the implementation and success of the new SLS scheme and are committed to making continuous improvements.