Happy New Year 2021!

At the beginning of this New Year and the first issue of ECHO in 2021, the Staff Association would like to express its best wishes for happiness, success and, how could we fail to underline it, for health to you and all your loved ones!
We can only hope, despite the still worrying health situation, that the year 2021 will allow us to put human contact in person back at the center of our family, friendly and professional lives!
2021: The year of the five-yearly review ... but not only!
This year will, of course, be marked by the work to complete the five-yearly review exercise, whose decisions will be approved by the Council in December 2021 for implementation in January 2022.
But this year will also be marked by a vast work program whose aim is to meet the main expectations expressed by all employed members of personnel in their responses to the Association's questionnaire at the end of 2019 and those expressed last year by our associated personnel colleagues.
The SCC sub-group on career development is scheduled to begin its work this month with an initial focus on the situation of those approaching the end of their grade or already in a personal situation (outside the salary scale).
In the meantime, the SCC sub-group no. 1 will continue to work on the review of the Organization's legislative texts (e.g., administrative and operational circulars), but other working groups will also deal with topics of importance such as the review of internal justice processes, as well as the issue of the new conditions applicable to our colleagues Users.
In this context, the Staff Association reaffirms its willingness to work in a climate of solid, serene and fruitful concertation with Management and its services.
The year 2021 will also see the elections for the Association's next Staff Council. More than ever, we need delegates representing all departments and units and all grades.
Contribute with all your ideas, experience and skills to represent all CERN personnel!