Elections of employee delegates – Become a member, get involved and vote!

The Association's Staff Council is renewed every two years. This year, the elections to Staff Council for the 2022-2023 term will take place according to the following timetable:
Elections Timetable
Tuesday 14 September
Call for applications
Friday 15 October, at 5.00 p.m.
Closing date for receipt of the application
Monday 25 October, at noon
Start date for voting
Monday 15 November, at noon
Closing date for voting
Tuesday 23 November and Tuesday 7 December
Publication of the results in Echo
Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 November
Staff Association Assizes
Tuesday 7 December
First meeting of the new Staff Council and election of the new Executive Committee
The number of positions to be filled is 50:
- 45 positions to represent the incumbents;
- 5 positions to represent fellows and associated staff members (Users, Project Associates, among others).
These 50 positions are open to members of personnel who are also members of the CERN Staff Association.
The Staff Council comprises also 7 delegates representing pensioners, who are appointed by the GAC-EPA outside this electoral process.
It is essential for the Organization to have a balanced and diversified representation on the Staff Council, including delegates from all departments and units, all professional categories and all opinions.
What is the role of the staff delegate?
The role of the staff delegate is essential because he or she will participate in the meetings of the Staff Council, whose mission includes determining the broad lines of the Association’s policy. He or she will also be the point of contact and link between the members of personnel and the Staff Association and will have to advise or guide his or her colleagues according to the issues they encounter.
Being a staff delegate also means participating in the work of at least one of the internal committees of the Staff Association on specific topics, and thus sharing ideas and proposals, but also being mandated by the Association to participate in the work of official bodies of the Organisation or various working groups.
But being a representative is first and foremost about serving and defending the personnel and being an active citizen of the Organization by contributing to the revision and writing of its laws (Operational & Administrative Circulars) and processes.
Becoming a delegate is also a personal and professional development:
- Discover other aspects of the Organization than those previously encountered;
- Acquire new skills through new roles and activities profitable in all areas of its activities at CERN; and
- Meet new colleagues.
Who can be a delegate? How to register for the next elections?
All Employed members of personnel (MPE), fellows and Associated members of personnel (MPA), who are also members of the Staff Association, can sign up and apply from September 14 at 8.00 a.m. until October 15 at 5.00 p.m.
Electing your representatives
In order to participate in the elections of your representatives, you must be a member of the Staff Association.
If this is not yet the case, these elections give you the opportunity to become a member, especially since the membership for the 2021 calendar year is free of charge as from September 1st, 2021.
Taking part in the elections of your delegates in the Staff Council means choosing from among the candidates the persons best able to represent you. It also means participating in a democratic exercise within the Organization.
Join and vote, it is the least you can do for your Organization, for your fellow staff members.
Get involved for your Organization, for your Electoral College colleagues, for CERN staff and, more generally, for the CERN community! Become a delegate!